Are you considering a move to the beach?

Even though our primary occupation is wholesale seashells, we’re beach enthusiasts at heart and while for some folks – coastal living is a hobby, for others it’s a way of life. And for some, they quite literally want to make it their life by moving to the beach. 

Maybe you’ve been thinking about it, maybe you’re on the fence or maybe you’re ready to take the plunge; wherever you’re at in the decision making process, today’s blog is for you. Today, we’re going to talk about a few tips on moving to the beach and what you can expect. Let’s jump right in. 

Patience is truly a virtue

Expect that when you move, there’ll be a transition period where you’re getting used to a lot of things. There’s the new surroundings, new things and improvement projects to think about – and then well, simply moving into your new home. You’ll have to track things like tides and storm surges – and while yes – we’re all simply choosing the problems we choose to live with, living on the beach will come with its fair share and you’ll need to learn how to live with them.


We definitely suggest that if you’re planning on buying a beachfront home that you think about the amount of tourists that’ll be around your home. While we like to go to the beach to relax- at peak season in certain locales – it can be anything but relaxing. Just be sure you know what to expect!

Insurance is your friend

Just above we talked about some of the problems you’ll encounter – you’re 100% going to want to make sure that you’re properly insured. Just here in the Tampa, Florida region alone – you’re required to have wind, flood AND general hazard policies. Make sure you’re ensured in the event that the worst happens 

Restrictions and regulations

Whether it’s the beach or even lakefront property – you’re sure to encounter plenty of environmental regulations you may not have considered in the past. Be sure when you’re going through the search process that you get yourself up to speed on what regulations you’ll need to be cognizant of – how to manage things like septic systems, utilities and the like. Even things like outdoor lighting might be limited. So make sure you do your homework on the rules!

Other considerations

Beach homes are wonderful, but don’t forget – they’re exposed to the elements more than most. Cars will be exposed to more salt in the air. If you’re in Florida, hurricane shutters will be a must. Maintenance on you siding and windows could be more significant and frequent. While living at the beach is mostly gravy, just be prepared for some of those additional expenses. 

Look, at the end of the day it’s like we said above – we choose the set of problems we’re willing to deal with in life – and when it comes to living on the beach trust us when we say – there aren’t many! It’s a pretty spectacular existence. However, you will have things to consider and grapple with and it’s important to go into it with clear eyes and an understanding of what it entails. Hopeful you found today’s blog helpful and we’ll see you again next month!